Stem cell research is a good thing | Opinion – Chart

Stem cell research is becoming more of a taboo topic as many people of the United States move into a seemingly more anti-abortion stance. Stem cells come from a fetus that is between three to five days old (the clump of cells is called a blastocyst at this point) and can be used to reverse the effects of chemotherapy, and help repair damaged muscle.

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New Cambridge research could lead to novel cancer therapies – Business Weekly

Anti-cancer therapies aimed at blocking mitochondrial energy generation may have wider effects on cancer cell behaviour than just preventing proliferation, new Cambridge research into brain development and tumours in the fruit fly suggests. Cancer cells were once thought to rely on sugar as the primary fuel for their growth, a phenomenon known as the Warburg effect. More recently, it has become clear that other energy sources may be equally important, and much of the growth in cancer cells is fuelled by mitochondria, the powerhouses of cells.

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