Published on March 19, 2021

LifeCell introduces the Family Floater Plan to extend the lifetime benefits of Community Cord Blood Banking to more than 8 family members.

Chennai: Broadening the 360-degree protection of cord blood stem cells to the entire extended family, LifeCell recently introduced a first-of-its-kind service, Family Floater Plan for both existing and new community banking members. The new service would further extend the life-saving benefits of cord blood stem cells beyond the baby, parents, siblings, and maternal and paternal grandparents to now also include the expecting parents siblings and their spouses. Which means the access now can be extended to both the expectant mother and fathers siblings and their respective spouses thereby providing access to more family members than ever before.

Stem cell transplants remain the only hope in the treatment of blood cancers as well as non-cancerous diseases, for many patients and families. However, the availability of matched stem cell units remains a major concern among Indian patients, owing to genetic diversity. With this new service, even the extended family members would get exclusive access to the largest repository of Indian origin stem cells that ensures a greater than 97% chance of finding a matching unit in case of a transplant.

Notably, the Family Floater plan has also been affordably priced at Rs. 9,990 to ensure that the members can avail the exclusive benefits of the ground-breaking LifeCell Community Banking including rapid availability and accessibility to a repository of 50,000 community cord blood units, free shipping of matched units across the globe, unlimited high-quality sample retrievals at no extra cost, and advanced genetic profiling of all cord blood units before release.

Commenting on the launch of the new service, Mr. MayurAbhaya, Managing Director LifeCell, said We, at LifeCell, relentlessly work towards bringing the benefits of stem cells to the entire family so that a healthy future is accessible to all. Equipped with our world-class, state-of-the-art facility and the innovative community banking model, to date, we have successfully protected the families of 3,50,000 customers from life-threatening disorders treatable by stem cells. We take great pride in maintaining and growing the worlds largest cord blood registry of Indian stem cells and are also thankful to our customers who have placed their trust and familys future health in our hands. With the added benefit of our Family Floater plan, we are confident of saving many more lives in the near future and I am certain that this notable enhancement of our service, will nudge several expectant parents to preserve their babys cord blood with LifeCell.

A leader in stem cell banking, LifeCell spearheaded a unique community banking model that allows sharing of qualified and consented cord blood units exclusively among the community members to give them the best chance of finding a matching donor, when needed. The community banking model provides complete protection to the baby and immediate family (comprising 8 members) against 80+ life-threatening medical conditions, treatable by stem cells. With the launch of the family floater plan, LifeCell once again takes another major leap towards further improving the access of Indian families to the largest repository of life-saving cord blood stem cells.

See the rest here:

LifeCell Now Offers the Benefits of Community Banking to Extended Family Members - APN News

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