Eterna Therapeutics Launches Research to Evaluate its Lead Induced Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Candidates (ERNA-101) Ability to Induce and Modulate Antitumor Immunity in Ovarian Cancer and Breast Cancer Models Yahoo Finance
Eterna Therapeutics Launches Research to Evaluate its Lead Induced Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy Candidates (ERNA-101) Ability to Induce and Modulate Antitumor Immunity in Ovarian Cancer and Breast Cancer Models Yahoo Finance
Enhanced osteogenic potential of iPSC-derived mesenchymal progenitor cells following genome editing of GWAS variants in the RUNX1 gene
Exploring the potential of MSCs in cancer therapy News-Medical.Net
Eterna Therapeutics Partners with MD Anderson to Advance Cancer Cell Therapy Research | ERNA Stock News StockTitan
How breast cancer cells survive in bone marrow after remission Medical Xpress
A blood glucose fluctuation-responsive delivery system promotes bone regeneration and the repair function of Smpd3-reprogrammed BMSC-derived exosomes
Fig. 2.
Diabetes mellitus (DM) affects over 537million people worldwide and represents a major health burden in industrial countries with estimated global direct health costs of more than 750billion USD [1, 2]. DM is a metabolic disease that disturbs blood glucose level (BGL), it is classified into two major forms; type 1 diabetes (T1D) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). T1D is largely attributed to autoimmune attacks and genetic dysregulation against insulin producing beta-cells leading to insulin deficiency [3]. T2D accounts for 95% of diabetes cases. Patients with T2D are not sensitive to insulin and produce insufficient amounts of the hormone in the advanced disease stages [4, 5].
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent cells with high self-renewal and multilineage differentiation abilities, playing an important role in tissue healing. Recent advancements in stem cell-based technologies have offered new and promising therapeutic options in regenerative medicine. Upon tissue damage, MSCs are immediately mobilized from the bone marrow and move to the injury site via blood circulation. Notably, allogenically transplanted MSCs can also home to the damaged tissue site. Therefore, MSCs hold great therapeutic potential for curing various diseases.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were officially named more than 25 years ago to represent a class of cells from human and mammalian bone marrow and periosteum that could be isolated and expanded in culture while maintaining their in vitro capacity to be induced to form a variety of mesodermal phenotypes and tissues.
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