The Role of Stem Cells in Tissue Regeneration and Aging

In the biological systems of multicellular animals, a continuous cycle of cellular turnover is facilitated by stem cells, which replace old cells with new progeny through the process known as regeneration. This vital activity, if maintained at a consistent rate, could theoretically prevent the manifestations of aging. However, as organisms age, the rate of stem cell division and subsequent tissue regeneration declines, suggesting a key biological underpinning for aging.

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7 Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy You Need to Know

Many pain treatments are quite painful and invasive. However, stem cell therapy can be administered without general anesthesia and is non-surgical. In some cases, the retravel of the initial stem cells may require an anesthetic, particularly if it is retrieved from the iliac crest in the pelvis. However, orthopedic stem cell therapy and other treatments are administered via injection and require very little downtime.

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The therapeutic potential of stem cells – PubMed Central (PMC)

Abstract In recent years, there has been an explosion of interest in stem cells, not just within the scientific and medical communities but also among politicians, religious groups and ethicists. Here, we summarize the different types of stem cells that have been described: their origins in embryonic and adult tissues and their differentiation potential in vivo and in culture. We review some current clinical applications of stem cells, highlighting the problems encountered when going from proof-of-principle in the laboratory to widespread clinical practice. While some of the key genetic and epigenetic factors that determine stem cell properties have been identified, there is still much to be learned about how these factors interact. There is a growing realization of the importance of environmental factors in regulating stem cell behaviour and this is being explored by imaging stem cells in vivo and recreating artificial niches in vitro.

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