Pfizer, Moderna COVID-19 Vaccines Less Effective in Immunocompromised People, But Help Avoid Hospitalization –

The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines help keep people with weakened immune systems out of the hospital if they are infected, but dont offer as much protection as they do in people with fully functioning immune systems, according to a study. The results support immunocompromised people receiving three doses of either vaccine, plus a fourth shot as a booster, the researchers said

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What are Stem Cells? Types of Stem Cell and their Uses

Stem cells can be used to study development Stem cells may help us understand how a complex organism develops from a fertilised egg. In the laboratory, scientists can follow stem cells as they divide and become increasingly specialized, making skin, bone, brain, and other cell types. Identifying the signals and mechanisms that determine whether a stem cell chooses to carry on replicating itself or differentiate into a specialized cell type, and into which cell type, will help us understand what controls normal development.

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Intestinal Stem Cells

Curr Gastroenterol Rep. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2011 Oct 1. Published in final edited form as: PMCID: PMC2965634 NIHMSID: NIHMS233209 Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 975 NE 10th Street, SL Young BRC West 1268B, Oklahoma City, OK 73104, USA Shahid Umar, Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, 975 NE 10th Street, SL Young BRC West 1268B, Oklahoma City, OK 73104, USA; Self-renewal in the intestinal epithelia is fueled by a population of undifferentiated intestinal stem cells (ISCs) that give rise to daughter or progenitor cells, which can subsequently differentiate into the mature cell types required for normal gut function.

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U.S. FDA Approves BESREMi (ropeginterferon alfa-2b-njft) as the Only Interferon for Adults With Polycythemia Vera – Business Wire

BURLINGTON, Mass.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--PharmaEssentia Corporation (TPEx: 6446), a global biopharmaceutical innovator based in Taiwan leveraging deep expertise and proven scientific principles to deliver new biologics in hematology and oncology, today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved BESREMi (ropeginterferon alfa-2b-njft) for the treatment of adults with polycythemia vera (PV). BESREMi is an innovative monopegylated, long-acting interferon, which exhibits its cellular effects in polycythemia vera in the bone marrow.

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Mesenchymal Stem Cells in the Treatment of Severe COVID-19 | SCCAA – Dove Medical Press

Introduction Coronavirus-2019 disease (COVID-19) is a newly diagnosed infectious disease, which is caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus-2. It spread quickly and has become a major public health problem throughout the world.1 When numerous cases of severe respiratory illnesses were reported in the Wuhan city, Hubei province, China, by the end of 2019, it signaled the start of the main challenge for a human being.

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Tracking the progression of liver disease in a dish – Scope

A team of researchers at Stanford Medicine has used genetically engineered human cells to create a model for liver fibrosis, a condition associated with liver damage, scarring and even liver failure. The new model stems from a previous method that the team developed in 2017 to coax adult stem cells, which can develop into different types of cells, to form the many categories of cells that are found in liver

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