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Park TS, Bhutto I, Zimmerlin L, Huo JS, Nagaria P, Miller D, Rufaihah AJ, Talbot C, Aguilar J, Merges C, Reijo-Pera R, Cooke J, Feldman RA, Rassool F, Lutty G, Zambidis ET, Vascular progenitors from cord blood-derived iPSC possess augmented capacity to regenerate ischemic retinal vasculature. Circulation. 2014; 129(3):359-72. PMC4090244.

Park TS, Zimmerlin, L., Evans-Moses, R, Thomas, J, Huo, JS, Kanherkar, R, He, A, Ruzgar, N, Grebe, R, Bhutto, I, Barbato, M, Koldobskiy, MA, Lutty, G, Zambidis, ET. Vascular Progenitors Generated from Tankyrase Inhibitor-Regulated Nave Diabetic Human iPSC Potentiate Efficient Revascularization of Ischemic Retina. Nature Com, 2020, 2020 Mar 5;11(1):1195. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-14764-5. PMC7058090.

Zimmerlin L, Park TS, Huo JS, Verma, Pather, S Talbot Jr. CC, Agarwal J, Steppan D, Peters A, Zang Y, Guo H, Pandiyan K, Zhong X, Guiterez G, Hampton C, Young C, Canto-Soler V, Friedman A, Baylin SB, Zambidis ET, Tankyrase inhibition promotes a stable human nave pluripotent state with improved functionality. Development. 2016; 143(22): 4368-4380. PMC5201042.

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Dr. Elias Zambidis, MD, PhD - Baltimore, MD - Pediatric Cellular ...

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