Submitted by Bloodworks Northwest

When you donate blood with Bloodworks Northwest, you will find out if you have COVID-19 antibodies that can help patients in Western Washington and Oregon currently fighting coronavirus. Thats because Bloodworks is testing all blood donations for COVID-19 antibodies through September 30 as the demand for antibody-rich convalescent plasma continues to grow in the Pacific Northwest.

The antibody testwill indicate if the donors immune system has produced SARS-CoV-2 antibodiesto coronavirus, regardless of whether the person ever showed symptoms. Thedonor will receive their test result by mail within two weeks of donation.Plasma from blood donations that tests positive for antibodies will likely bedesignated for COVID-19 patients. Donors with positive test results will alsoreceive follow up contact from Bloodworks to determine if they can make aconvalescent plasma donation to further help patients. Information for donorsabout the antibody testing is available at

Local hospitalsare counting on all of us to ensure an ample blood supply this summer, saidBloodworks Executive Vice President of Blood Services Vicki Finson. ProvidingCOVID-19 antibody testing indicates for donors if they had previous exposureand infection whether they realized it or not and if they have the specialability to help build a supply of convalescent plasma to treat patients withserious or immediately life-threatening COVID-19 infections. Every eligibledonor must come forward so we can treat as many patients as possible in ourcommunity.

Appointments arerequired at any Bloodworks Donor Center or Pop-Uplocations. The antibody test does not determine whether you are actively infectedwith COVID-19. Only donors who are feeling healthy and meet donationeligibility criteria should donate blood.All blood types are needed,especially Type O.

COVID-19 convalescent plasma remains the best treatment option for COVID-19 until a vaccine becomes available. Studies have shown that by transfusing the plasma from a person who has recovered from coronavirus into a patient still fighting the virus, it can help boost the patients immune system and potentially help them recover. So far, Bloodworks has been able to provide more than 1,000 convalescent plasma units across Washington, Oregon, and elsewhere in the U.S., and the number of units requested by local hospitals is increasing daily.

First-time and repeat donors are urged to make their one-hour donation appointment today as a safe- and essential action to support local patients. Donors looking for same-day appointments should call 800-398-7888. There is no inherent risk of getting coronavirus from the donation procedure itself; Bloodworks follows all CDC and local health guidelines and is taking extra precautions to protect staff and donors, including requiring donation appointments, continuous sanitation, prohibiting guests, and asking donors to bring a mask/face covering to their donation. Bloodworks has posted information addressing questions and concerns for blood donors at Blood donation takes about an hour from registration to post-donation refreshment. Information about who can donate and where is available at

Bloodworks isfighting COVID-19 on every front, through longer hours at Donor Centers, uniquePop-Up blood donation opportunities in the community, through convalescentplasma treatments, to lifesaving research, including investigating whether bloodtype is a risk factor for severe infection. Now Bloodworks COVID-19antibody testing will also provide important information for public healthofficials trying to determine the positive rate in the population.

Forthe latest information on COVID-19 please visit the CDC website, Washington State Department of Health COVID-19 main page, andOregon Health Authority.

Appointments and information at or 800-398-7888. Seeour list of Pop-Uplocations at unique venues like CenturyLinkField, Seattle Opera, Neptune Theater, UW Tower, and more.

Bloodworks Northwest is backed by 75 years of Northwest history and 250,000 donors. It is local, nonprofit, independent, volunteer-supported and community-based. A recognized leader in transfusion medicine, Bloodworks serves patients at hospitals in Washington, Oregon and Alaska partnering closely with local hospitals to deliver the highest level of patient care. Comprehensive services include blood components, complex cross-matching, specialized lab services for organ transplants, care for patients with blood disorders, and collection of cord blood stem cells for cancer treatment. Bloodworks Research Institute performs leading-edge research in blood biology, transfusion medicine, blood storage and treatment of blood disorders. Patients with traumatic injuries, undergoing surgeries or organ transplantation, or receiving treatment for cancer and blood disorders all depend on our services, expertise, laboratories and research. Blood donation appointments can be scheduled at

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Bloodworks Testing All Blood Donations for COVID-19 Antibodies -

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