Dublin, June 11, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "COVID-19 Pipelines - Cell Therapies, Diagnostics, Treatments, & Vaccines" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

This comprehensive report provides coverage of the rapidly evolving pandemic, with an emphasis on the emerging role of cell therapies in the prevention and management of the COVID-19.

While there is not yet an approved treatment for COVID-19, the scientific, medical, and regulatory agencies are making heroic efforts to bring out new medicines. Numerous COVID-19 product categories have emerged, including vaccines, antibodies, antivirals, repurposed drugs, RNA-based drugs, and cell-based therapies, as well as other approaches, such as enzymes, peptides, and glycoproteins. This report explores each of these product development categories in detail, presenting the products under development and timelines for them to come to market. Special attention is given to the critical role of cell-based therapies in the management of the global pandemic.

To accelerate the development of therapies against COVID-19, the repurposing of existing drugs is being explored by numerous market competitors. For example, Barcitinib is being explored because of its anti-inflammatory effect and possible ability to reduce viral entry. A specific dose of the anti-HIV combination, Lopinavir-Nitonavir, is now in clinical trials with Arbidol or Ribavirin. Remdesivir, developed by Gilead Sciences, was earlier tested in patients with Ebola virus and has shown promise in animal models for MERS and SARS. Remdesivir has reached Phase III in the U.S. and China.

Favipiravir, a purine nucleoside leading to inaccurate viral RNA synthesis, was previously developed by Toyama Chemical of Japan and has now been approved for a clinical trial as a drug for the treatment of COVID-19. Chloroquine has shown itself to be effective in treating COVID-19 in China. Dozens of companies are rushing vaccine development and proceeding toward clinical trials. As select examples, the U.S. NIH initiated a Phase I trial in Seattle evaluating an investigational vaccine (mRNA-1273) created by NIAID scientists and their collaborators at Moderna, Inc. Sanofi and Regeneron launched a Phase II/II trial in New York evaluating the IL-6 targeted Kevzara. Inovio Pharmaceuticals is advancing its vaccine into human trials within the U.S. and intends to produce one million doses of it by the end of the year.

Globally, the healthcare industry is using every weapon in its armory to suppress the threat from the virus, including the use of living therapies such as natural killer (NK) cells, T-cells, stem cells, and exosomes. While many novel approaches are being investigated, stem cells - mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in particular - are showing intriguing potential for the treatment of COVID-19.

COVID-19 Market Trends

The aim of this report is to gather existing research on COVID-19, reveal key insights, and position the reader to identify emerging market opportunities related to the Coronavirus pandemic. It provides comprehensive coverage of the outbreak, highlights global competitors involved in the fight against COVID-19, and presents product development pipelines, diagnostic testing approaches, vaccine development programs, regulatory approvals, and importantly, trend rate data for COVID-19 scientific publications, patents, and clinical trials on a worldwide basis.

With the rapidly developing nature of this global pandemic, you don't have the time to do the research. Claim this global strategic report to become immediately informed, without sacrificing hours of unnecessary research or lacking awareness of critical COVID-19 events.

Key Topics Covered:


2. CORONAVIRUS: STRUCTURE, INFECTION, REPLICATION, SYMPTOMS2.1 Start of the Outbreak2.2 The Symptoms of COVID-192.3 Progression of COVID-192.4 The Incubation Period for COVID-192.5 Duration of the Disease2.6 Case Fatality Rate2.7 Modes of COVID-19 Transmission2.8 Clinical Case Management

3. GLOBAL STATISTICS ON COVID-193.1 The Steady Increase in Global Number of Confirmed Cases3.2 Top Five Most Affected Countries3.4 The Ebb and Flow of COVID-19 Cases3.5 Africa Spared the Worst of the Pandemic3.6 Number of Laboratory Tests Conducted by Select Countries3.7 Top Four Countries with Number of COVID-Tests

4. FUNDING FOR COVID-19 RESEARCH4.1 Contributions to WHO for COVID-19 Appeal4.1.1 Contingency Fund for Emergencies4.2 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding for COVID-19 Research4.3 Funding for COVID-19 Research from U.S. Stimulus Bill

5. PUBLISHED SCIENTIFIC PAPERS ON COVID-195.1 Published Papers by Category5.2 Notable Journal Articles

6. PATENTS OF SARS AND MERS WITH POSSIBLE RELEVANCE TO COVID-196.1 Types of SARS and MERS Patents6.2 Key Proteins Described in the Patents and their Roles in Viral Infection6.3 Patents and Potential Drug Candidates Related to Key Protein Targets6.4 Patents of Existing Drugs with Potential Applications for COVID-196.5 Selected Patents Related to Small Molecule Drug Candidates6.5.1 Compounds with Potential Effects on Key Proteins of COVID-196.5.2 Small Molecules Identified by Structure Similarity and Therapeutic Usage6.6 Distributions of Biologics Patents Related to SARS and MERS6.6.1 Patents of SARS Antibodies6.7 Distribution of Patents of Vaccines Related to SARS/MERS6.8 Distribution of RNAi Patents related to SARS/MERS

7. CLINICAL TRIALS LANDSCAPE FOR COVID-197.1 COVID-19 Clinical Trials by Country/Region7.2 Clinical Trials by Study Type7.2.1 Types of Interventions in the Ongoing COVID-19 Clinical Trials7.2.1.1 Proposed Pharmacological Interventions in COVID-19 Clinical Trials7.2.1.2 ATMPs under Investigation in COVID-19 Trials7.3 COVID-19 Clinical Trials by Stage of Development7.3.4 COVID-19 Clinical Trials by Funding Type7.3.4.1 Industry-Sponsored Clinical Trials against COVID-197.4 Upcoming Readouts from Ongoing COVID-19 Clinical Trials

8. COVID-19'S NEGATIVE/POSIVE IMPACTS ON HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY8.1 Negative Impacts8.1.1 Disruption of Big Clinical Trials by COVID-19 Pandemic8.1.2 15-Fold Increase in Clinical Trial Suspensions8.1.3 Specific Examples of Clinical Trials Threatened by COVID-198.1.4 Delayed Readouts due to COVID-198.1.5 Shortages of Patients for Phase III due to COVID-198.1.6 Most Hit Pivotal Trials8.1.7 Threat to Trials of Near-Term Blockbusters8.1.8 COVID-19's Deleterious Effects on Elective Procedures8.1.9 COVID-19 Infected Cardiovascular Companies8.1.10 Delayed Acquisitions due to COVID-198.1.11 Stalling of Biotech Flotations by COVID-198.1.12 Financial Damages to the Pharmaceutical Industry due to COVID-198.2 Positive Impacts8.2.1 Sizeable Opportunities for Some Collaborations8.2.2 COVID-19 Market Movers8.2.3 COVID-19 Events that Pushed the Share Prices up8.2.3.1 Johnson & Johnson8.2.3.2 Gilead Sciences8.2.3.3 Roche8.2.3.4 Sanofi8.2.3.5 BioNTech8.2.3.6 Moderna8.2.3.7 Vir Biotechnology8.2.3.8 Takeda8.2.3.9 CytoDyn8.2.4 COVID-19-Related Stock Risers

9. MEDICINES IN DEVELOPMENT FOR COVID-199.1 The First Medicine to Reach the Market9.1.1 Spectrum of Drugs9.1.2 Difficulties in Making a Drug in Time9.1.2.1 Bargain Search9.1.2.2 Three Stages in Development9.1.2.3 Massive Demand9.1.3 Generic for Remdesivir9.1.4 Concern about Access to COVID-19 Medicine9.2 FDA's CTAP to Accelerate COVID-19 Drug Development9.2.1 CTAP's Activities in a Snapshot

10. EMERGING VACCINE TREATMENTS FOR COVID-1910.1 Protein Sub-Unit Vaccines in Development against COVID-1910.2 RNA-Based Vaccines10.3 Non-Replicating Viral Vector Vaccines10.4 DNA Vaccines in Development for COVID-1910.5 Inactivated Virus Vaccines in Development for COVID-1910.6 Virus-like Particle Vaccines in Development for COVID-1910.7 The Nearest Vaccine10.8 Additional COVID-19 Vaccine Projects10.9 CEPI's Call for Vaccine Fund10.10 Clinical Trial Costs for Developing a Viral Vaccine10.11 The Usual Pattern of Revenue Generation by Viral Vaccines10.11.1 Historical Sales of Vaccines for Previous Pandemics10.11.2 Historic Sales of H1N1 Influenza Vaccines10.12 Recent Vaccine Collaborations10.13 Companies Capable of Producing Vaccines on a Global Scale10.14 Big Pharma in COVID-19 Vaccines


12. ANTIVIRAL DRUGS IN DEVELOPMENT FOR COVID-1912.1 Estimated Cost of COVID-19 Antiviral Therapeutic Development12.2 A Competitor for Gilead12.3 Remdesivir: The First to Reach the Market12.3.1 Hints of a Hope from Remdesivir Results12.3.2 Interim Data for Remdesivir12.3.3 Sales Forecast for Remdesivir12.4 Structure of Remdesivir12.4.1 Mechanism of Action of Remdesivir12.5 Additional COVID-19 Therapeutic Projects


14. CELL-BASED THERAPIES IN DEVELOPMENT FOR COVID-1914.1 Brief Descriptions of Stem Cell-Based Clinical Trials for COVID-1914.1.1 NCT04313322 (Stem Cells Arabia)14.1.2 NCT04366063 (Royan Institute)14.1.3 NCT04252118 (Beijing 302 Hospital)14.1.4 NCT04346368 (Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease)14.1.5 NCT04331613 (Chinese Academy of Sciences)14.1.6 NCT04390139 (Banc de Sang i Teixits)14.1.7 NCT04355728 (Camillo Ricordi)14.1.8 NCT04299152 (Tianhe Stem Cell Biotechnologies, Inc)14.1.9 NCT04269525 (ZhiYong Peng)14.1.10 NCT04390152 (BioXcellerator)14.1.12 NCT04362189 (Hope Biosciences)14.1.13 NCT04371393 (Icahn School of Medicine/Mesoblast, Inc)14.1.14 NCT04365101 (Celularity Incorporated)14.1.15 NCT04367077 (Athersys, Inc)14.2 MSCs: The Most SuiTable Cells to be used Against COVID-19

15. MEDICAL DEVICES IN DEVELOPMENT FOR COVID-1915.1 The Scramble for Mechanical Ventilators15.2 Ventilator Shortages

16. COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE DIAGNOSTICS FOR COVID-1916.1 PCR Tests (Viral RNA Tests)16.2 Serology Tests (Antibody Tests)16.3 Antigen Tests16.3.1 Number of EUAs Granted to Viral RNA Tests and Antibody Tests16.3.2 Specific Issues with Antibody Tests16.3.3 Roche's Antibody Test: Maximum Sensitivity and Specificity16.4 The First COVID-19 Antigen Test16.5 At-Home COVID-19 Sample Collection Kit16.6 Top Ten COVID-19 Diagnostic Companies16.7 The Deluge of Testing Options

17. MARKET ANALYSIS17.1 Global COVID-19 Vaccine Market17.2 Global Market for Antiviral Drugs against COVID-1917.3 Global Market for Diagnostic Tests for COVID-1917.3.1 Global Market for COVID-19 Testing Kits by Technology17.4 COVID-19 Addressable Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Market17.5 Estimated COVID-19 Addressable Critical Care Device Market17.6 Global Market for Other COVID-19-Related Medical Supplies17.6.1 Market Shares of Face Masks by Type of Material17.6.2 Global Market Share for Hand Sanitizers by Type17.7 Global COVID-19 Treatment Market

18. CELL THERAPY COMPANIES JOINING FORCES AGAINST COVID-1918.1 Aspire Health Science18.2 Athersys, Inc.18.3 AlloVir18.4 Bonus BioGroup, Ltd.18.5 Caladrius Biosciences18.6 Capricor Therapeutics18.7 Celularity18.8 Celltex Therapeutics Corporation18.9 Citius Pharmaceuticals, Inc.18.10 Cynata Therapeutics18.11 FibroGenesis18.12 GC LabCell18.13 Global Institute of Stem Cell Therapy and Research (GIOSTAR)18.14 Healios KK18.15 Hope Biosciences18.16 Kimera Labs, Inc.18.17 Lattice Biologics, Ltd.18.18. Lineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc.18.19 Mesoblast, Ltd.18.20 NantKwest, Inc.18.21 Orbsen Therapeutics18.22 Organicell18.23 Pluristem Therapeutics, Inc.18.24 Tianhe Stem Cell Biotechnologies, Inc.18.25 The Cure Alliance18.26 Vitro Biopharma

19. OTHER COMPANIES/INSTITUTIONS SPONSORING TRIALS FOR COVID-1919.1 AlloVir and Baylor College of Medicine19.2 Biostar Stem Cell Research Institute19.3 CAR-T (Shanghai) Biotechnology, Co., Ltd19.4 Orgenesis' Cell-Based Vaccine19.5 Peking University19.6 REMSTEM's Phase I/IIa for COVID-1919.7 University of Miami-COVID-19 Research Programs19.8 Wuhan Hamilton Biotechnology

For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/fe385b

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2020 Outlook on the Worldwide COVID-19 Market - Events That Pushed Share Prices Up - GlobeNewswire

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